Wallet and Luck: What is the connection?



Wallet and Luck: What is the connection?

If you keep your wallet in good condition and keep certain special things in it, then your luck will be with you. You will get wealth.

The wallet is also a place to keep money. Therefore, some precautions should be taken while using the wallet so that the inflow of money can be easy and there is no shortage of money at all.

Here are some things that you can keep in your wallet to get wealth and good luck.

1. Do not keep pictures of your Guru or deities in your wallet.

You can keep Om written in red or a Swastika made of red color. If you keep Om or Swastika or any mantra or shloka in your wallet, it should not be torn.

If you have kept a picture of Om or Swastika and if it is torn, then you will have to face unnecessary stress and your money will be spent unnecessarily.

2. Keep notes and coins properly in your wallet.

Do not keep notes and coins (coins) together in your wallet.

There is a separate place to keep coins in the wallet or purse, so coins should be kept separate from notes.

Do not fold the notes.

If you keep the money in the right way, then there will be no waste of money. Your money will not be unnecessarily destroyed or lost.

There will be no unnecessary expenses.

If you keep money in your wallet without any arrangement, folded or in a haphazard manner, then money will be spent unnecessarily, which will not be good for you.

3. Keep a square piece of gold or brass in your wallet.

Even a small piece of gold or brass will work.

Wash it with Ganges water and keep it in your wallet on Thursday.

Once a month, wash it with Ganges water, purify it and keep it in your wallet.

Permanent wealth will remain in every way, in every situation.

Those who say that money does not stay in their wallet or that money does not come to them, such people should definitely keep a square piece of gold or brass in their wallet on Thursday after washing it with Ganges water.

4. Do not keep too many papers in your wallet.

Do not keep paper accounts written in your wallet.

Do not keep too many papers, receipts, bills in your wallet.

Do not keep too many papers in your wallet.

The wallet is a place to keep money, not a shelf to keep paper.

You can keep some papers in your wallet, but don't keep too many.

If you keep too many papers in your wallet, your expenses will increase.

If there is a hundred rupee note in your wallet and you have kept 50 papers of work in your wallet, then it is not a wallet, it is a cupboard.

So keep money in your wallet. You can keep one or two papers. Keeping too many papers can also increase the risk of losing the wallet, so do not keep too many papers in the wallet.

5. Keep your wallet clean from time to time.

If you have kept a square piece of gold or brass, then clean it and purify it with Ganges water.

If the thing is too old, replace it.

Take good care of the money in your wallet and keep cleaning the wallet regularly.

You will see that money will keep coming to you continuously.

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