Let us know whether Magh Purnima is on 4th or 5th in 2023? Know auspicious time, importance and date

Let us know whether Magh Purnima is on 4th or 5th in 2023? Know auspicious time, importance and date

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Magh Purnima 2023: Magh Purnima is considered an important day in the Hindu calendar. Religious texts glorify the sacred baths and penances performed during the month of Maga.

Maya's day is believed to be a special day for philanthropy. Maga Purnima, also known as Magi Purnima, is the last and most important day of the month of Maga.

In Maghi Purnima, certain ceremonies such as holy baths, donations, cow and house donations are performed at Prayag at the confluence of the Ganges, Yamuna and Saraswati rivers.

During Magha, people bathe in the Ganges or Yamuna rivers in the morning all month long. The daily ablution that starts with Paush Purnima ends at Magh Purnima.

Trust that all the charitable work done during this time will come to fruition with ease. That's why people donate to the needy according to their ability.

It is also the last day of Kalpava, a month-long punishment camp set up on the banks of the Ganges in Prayag.

Let us know the exact date, auspicious time and meaning of Maghi Purnima. 

Maggot full moon dates Beginning of the Maggot full moon date: February 4, 2023 at 9:29 PM The full moon date for the Maggot month ends on February 5, 2023 at 11:58 PM According to Udaya Tithi, Magh Purnima will be celebrated on February 5, 2023. Ayushman Yoga: Sunrise to noon 02:41 minutes Good Luck Yoga: 02:41pm to 6th February at 03:25pm. 

Meaning of Maghi Purnima:

Maghi Purnima is a day that is as important in astrology as it is in religion. According to mythology, the moon enters Cancer on this day. Hence, it is believed that performing a divine dip on Maghi Purnima will remove all difficulties associated with the sun and moon. The month of Magh is also helpful from a scientific point of view. This month is believed to help people adjust to the changing seasons.

Hence, bathing in Maghi Purnima brings strength and strength to the body. Besides that, if Ganga Snan Purnima Pushya Nakshatra is held on the day of Magha Purnima, the day becomes more auspicious. Maghi Purnima Puja Method On the day of Maghi Purnima, people are supposed to bathe in a sacred river before sunrise. After bathing, offer Argya to the Sun God while chanting the Surya Mantra. After bathing, one should worship Lord Krishna by taking fasting vows. Food and alms should be given to the poor, needy and Brahmins. 

Especially sesame and black sesame should be donated. Hawan will eat black sesame seeds in Mag month, and black sesame seeds will be offered to ancestors. Gayatri mantra or 108 consecutive chanting of Om Namo Narayan mantra is enough.

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