Dhanteras 2022:If you are not able to buy gold and silver this Dhanteras then you must buy these things

Dhanteras 2022,diwali,deepawali

Dhanteras 2022: If you are not able to buy gold and silver this Dhanteras, then you have to buy these things, the house will be filled with money throughout the year.
This year Dhanteras is on October 23 and Diwali is celebrated on October 24.

On this day of Dhanteras, Lord Dhanvantari and Goddess Lakshmi and Kuber Dev are worshipped.

It is said that buying new things on Dhanteras day is very auspicious. Whatever is bought on this day, there is an increase of thirteen times, so people buy gold, silver and utensils made of vehicles on the day of Dhanteras.

If for some reason it is not possible for everyone to buy gold, silver or a vehicle. So apart from gold and silver, there are some other things which are very dear to Mother Lakshmi. You can buy them on the day of Dhanteras.

Buy a broom on the day of Dhanteras:

In Hinduism, broom is associated with Goddess Lakshmi, so it is also considered good to get a new broom in your house on the day of Dhanteras. If you are not able to buy gold and silver this DhanTeras, then by all means buy a broom and bring it with you.

On Diwali, take your old broom out of the house and buy a new broom. According to astrology, it is considered very auspicious to donate a broom in a temple on this day.

According to the Matsya Purana, the broom is considered a form of the goddess Lakshmi. The broom is believed to bring good luck and peace and destroy evil forces. It is believed that the broom drives poverty out of the house and it destroys poverty. On the day of Dhanteras, Lakshmi Mata does not get angry and goes out of the house by buying a broom and she remains stable in the house.

If you are plagued by financial constraints, buy three brooms on Diwali day to overcome them and keep them quietly in a temple. It is believed that this will eliminate money problems.

It is said that on Diwali day, the entire house should be cleaned with a new broom. After cleaning, one should hide the broom somewhere where no one can see it. According to astrology, this brings Lakshmi ji into the house.

Keep these things in mind regarding jharu (broom):

The broom is believed to be associated with Maa Lakshmi, so it should never be thrown.
The broom should also not be treated disrespectfully. It is said that disrespecting the broom means disrespecting Mother Lakshmi.
Never leave the broom after using it.
It should always be left on the floor.
It is considered more correct to keep the broom hidden.

Brass utensils:

It is considered very auspicious to buy brass metal on the day of Dhantera. This brings good luck and prosperity to your home. It is said that when Dhanvantari Dev emerged from the churning ocean, he was holding a pot of nectar in his hands. It is a religious belief that this urn was made of brass, hence brass is considered the metal of Dhanvantari Dev.

Gomti Chakra:

It is said that Gomti Chakra is dear to Maa Lakshmi. Buy it on the day of Dhanteras and bring it home and worship Gomti Chakra in the evening while worshipping Goddess Lakshmi. After that keep it at the place of money. It is believed that with this your money place will always be filled with money and money.


On the day of Dhanteras, you must also buy a penny (Kodi) and bring it with you. There is never a shortage of money in the house where there is a penny, therefore on the day of Dhanteras, bring a penny in the house and keep it at the place of worship at the time of worship of Diwali. After that, put it in a red cloth in the safe or place so that there will never be a shortage of money in the house.

Whole coriander:

Buying coriander on the day of Dhanteras is considered very auspicious. On Dhanteras day, bring whole coriander and offer it to Goddess Lakshmi. Sow it later in the garden, field or pot of your house. When a healthy plant grows up, there shall be no shortage in your house throughout the year.


Bringing salt on the day of Dhanteras brings wealth and peace to the house, and on the day of Dhanteras you also have to buy a new packet of salt in the house. Bringing a packet of salt home will never cause any shortage and there will be peace and happiness in the house.

Earthen lamps (Dipak):

Diwali festival is the festival of lights. Therefore, Diwali is considered incomplete on this day if you do not buy earthen lamps.

In such a situation, you should buy small lamps for home on the day of Dhantera. This is also auspicious. You can also buy earthenware if you cannot buy expensive things.

Apart from this, Lord Yamraj is worshipped on the day of Dhanteras, this is the only day in the whole year when Lord Yamraj is worshipped. On this day a lamp is lit in the night in the name of Lord Yamraj, so on this day you also have to buy a lamp and bring it with you

Shankh (conch):

The conch is considered a symbol of good luck, peace and prosperity, so it is considered very auspicious to buy a conch

Kamal Gatta[Lotus Seed]:

It is the seed of lotus flower, it is used to make a garland while chanting the mantras of Lakshmi, you should use a lotus garland or you have to buy at least 7 Kamal Gatta and take it to the place of worship for Maa Lakshmi, place it in front of Maa Lakshmi and worship it, this will please Lakshmi and fill your house with wealth.

Dhantera's Worship Method:

According to mythological beliefs, Lord Dhanvantari appeared on this day with an urn of nectar in his hands at the time of churning of the ocean. Therefore, he is worshipped on this day. On the day of Dhanteras, the goddess of wealth Lakshmi, the treasurer of wealth Kuber and Lord Dhanvantari are worshipped. It is believed that due to the ritual worship on this day, there is no shortage of money in the house. It is a tradition to buy utensils on this day.

According to the Panchang, Dhanteras this year is on October 23, 2022. Kuber, the god of wealth, is worshipped on the day of Dhanteras.

Dhanteras worship remedy:
  • On the day of Dhanteras, establish Kuber and Dhanvantri in the north in auspicious time in the evening.
  • Establish an idol or picture of Maa Lakshmi and Ganesh as well. Then light the lamp and start worshiping duly.
  • Offer white sweets to Kuber Devta and yellow sweets to Dhanvantari Dev.
  • Keep chanting this mantra 'Om Hreem Kuberai Namah' during the worship.
  • To please Lord Dhanvantari, one must recite Dhanvantari Stotra on this day.
  • Dhanteras worship method:
  • On the day of Dhanteras, place Kuber and Dhanvantri in the north at the auspicious time in the evening.
  • Also set up an idol or image of Maa Lakshmi and Ganesh. Then light the lamp and begin proper worship.
  • Offer white sweets to Kuber Devta and yellow sweets to Dhanvantari Dev.
  • Keep chanting the mantra 'Om Hreem Kuberai Namah' during the worship.
  • To please Lord Dhanvantari, one must recite the Dhanvantari Stotra on this day.
  • Light Yama Diya outside the house.
  • On the day of Dhanteras, not only are new items purchased, but lamps are also lit. It is believed that the lamps lit at the entrance will end the fear of untimely death in the house. The flame of the family is always burning. It is also called Yama Diya.
  • As for the tradition of buying new utensils at Dhanteras, it is said that when Dhanvantari appeared, he was holding an urn filled with nectar. Since then, the trend of buying new utensils on his birthday began

What not to buy in Dhanteras: 

Don't buy hardware - On Dhanteras day, no iron items should be purchased. It can be harmful to you. So buy everything, but don't buy anything made of iron. If you also want to buy a new car on Dhanteras Day, you can do so but pay in advance. Avoid paying for vehicles on the day of Dhanteras. Now you will say that the car is also made of iron, why buy it? Do not carry sharp iron objects with you. The car is a luxury car - you can live with that. DO NOT BUY ALUMINUM ITEMS - Rahu has an influence on aluminum so aluminum utensils or anything else you plan to carry around Dhanteras should not be made of aluminum as this is also considered unfavorable Don't buy steel utensils. It is not right that people buy steel utensils on this day, as steel is considered an element of Rahu, so it is unlucky to bring steel utensils home on this day.

Don't buy glass: 
Beautiful things made of glass will look attractive. But it should not be bought on the day of Dhanteras as glass is also associated with Rahu and Rahu planet will not give good results in most cases. Black items should not be purchased to take home on this day. In Hinduism, black is not considered auspicious. This is why it is said that if you are traveling by car in Dhanteras, you should not take a black car. You can bring a refrigerator, washing machine or TV, but they should not be black. On the day of Dhanteras, one should not give anything to anyone because to do so is to send Lakshmi from one person's house to another person's house. No one should be given a broom or borrowed money on this day.

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